June 9, 2017 (Friday)
Friday.... I have dreams at night. I wake up. Sometimes I remember the dreams in vivid detail. Other times I forget them but have this...
June 8, 2017 (Thursday)
Planning for the future? Not sure how to plan. I have no career. No steady income. Job seeking is not working. HOw do you plan for the...
June 7, 2017 (Wednesday)
Wednesday!!! Tired. Long day....
June 6, 2017 (Tuesday)
Tuesday. A new day!!!!! I'm hopeful. I am open to companies sponsoring me. I am available for freelance work. I am here waiting.
June 5, 2017 (Monday)
I am not religious. I am religious. Not like others are religious. I have faith. I believe certain things. I am Christian but not...
June 4, 2017 (Sunday)
A new day. A new week. I am writing more now, but I hope to write more. I hope to spend more time reaidng, which will help my writing.
June 3, 2017 (Saturday)
Hello. Last day of the week. Tomorrow: new week. So, plans have changed. I am not going to California anytime soon.
June 2, 2017 (Friday)
June. It's June. Hot outside. Should I remain inside? Maybe.
June 1, 2017 (Thursday)
I have a book club, book group, at the library this evening. I made the mistake of forgetting to pick up the book then when I remembered...